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A00-451 考試旨在為具有 SAS Viya 經驗及相應管理和配置技能的 IT 專業人士提供考試機會。考生應熟悉 SAS Viya 管理概念,如配置、監控和疑難排解。同時,他們應該具備使用 SAS Viya 產品的經驗,包括 SAS Visual Analytics、SAS Visual Statistics 和 SAS Visual Data Mining 和 Machine Learning。
SASInstitute A00-451(管理SAS Viya)認證考試是一個綜合性考試,旨在測試管理SAS Viya環境的個人的技能和知識。這項認證對於那些與SAS Viya合作並希望展示他們在平臺上的專業知識的人至關重要,也對於使用SAS Viya的組織非常有價值,因為他們希望確保其管理員具有維護和優化平臺所需的必要技能和知識。
免費PDF A00-451熱門考古題&最頂尖的SASInstitute認證培訓 - 最新更新的SASInstitute Administering SAS Viya
SASInstitute A00-451考試旨在測試負責管理SAS Viya的IT專業人員的知識和技能。SAS Viya是一個基於雲端的分析平台,可提供快速和可擴展的大數據處理。SASInstitute A00-451考試涵蓋了多個主題,包括安裝和配置、安全和訪問控制以及監控和疑難排解。
最新的 SAS Viya Administration Specialist A00-451 免費考試真題 (Q15-Q20):
問題 #15
Which identity object can be promoted from SAS 9 into SAS Viya?
- A. Groups
- B. Roles
- C. Credentials
- D. Users
問題 #16
Which custom group is predefined but not created, and allows its members to automatically run their CAS sessions under their own host ID?
- A. CASHostAccountNeeded
- B. CASHostIDRequired
- C. CASSuperuser
- D. CASHostAccountRequired
問題 #17
Which method for loading CAS tables to the CAS server is NOT valid?
- A. Add lua code to load a table to the casstartup_usermods.lua file
- B. Use the load option on the Data Sources tab in SAS Data Explorer interface.
- C. Use the /casManagement/*/caslibs/*/loadtables rule.
- D. Schedule a job in SAS Environment Manager to load tables in a specified global caslib.
問題 #18
When copying the Sample:Import cas-shared default Public data job, what would you modify?
(Choose two.)
- A. Change the output data file type from SASHDAT files to SAS7BDAT files.
- B. Change the filter for input file types.
- C. Change the input caslib and output caslib.
- D. Change the import task to load CAS tables task.
問題 #19
In a distributed (MPP) CAS server, how are the machines divided into controller(s) and worker(s)?
- A. One machine is designated as the controller and a worker, and one or more machines are designated as workers.
- B. Each machine includes a session controller and a session worker.
- C. One machine is designated as the controller and two or more machines are designated as the workers.
- D. One machine is designated as the controller and one or more machines are designated as the workers.
問題 #20
A00-451考試備考經驗: https://www.testpdf.net/A00-451.html
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